Anybody who knows me will agree I am massively organised simply because I am always doing stuff and no I am not OCD.
Lately though I have had to work hard to manage myself to stay focused. Why? Well I have asked myself that question and I think I have found the answers and it is all about my crazy hormones.
Ok so if you are male and reading this your eyes are about to glaze over and you are likely to switch off. If so, thanks for for reading this far.
Since about 2003 I have struggled first with perimenopause then with post menopause and now with mmmm, dare I say getting older mixed in.
My body aches more often, my sinuses let me down, and my brain gets tired more easily. I find myself muddled up and confused. Being stubborn makes these things more pronounced and quite frankly I am an idiot for not taking my own (internal) advice.
In the last couple of weeks I have gone back to the 5:2 way of eating. This has had a really big positive effect on my well being and I have slowly started to lose weight.
I love to sew and generally be creative. So to motivate me more I have started reassessing my wardrobe and started a sewing blog. This has reignited my sewing mojo albeit a little slower than I hoped. But hey, baby steps right?
Finally I have started taking small breaks when my brain feels overwhelmed and drinking more water. It is like a reboot and seems to help magnificently.
The result overall so far is I have reorganised, decluttered and become more focussed. Fingers crossed I don’t digress too much.
Wish me luck!